i'm high as a kite i just might...

stop and get a burger at Wendy's???

have you seen these commercials lately?

Ok, so while trying to google the new Wendy's commercial it seems that I am not the only one who finds the use of the Violent Femme's song "Blister in the Sun" both surprising and confusing.

was this a subliminal way for Wendy's to get us to subconsciously link the urge to masturbate with the urge to eat at Wendy's? Also, how did they get this incredibly unmistakable guitar riff and well documented reference to staining ones sheets past the execs?

i'm sure Dave Thomas is rolling over in his grave as you read this.

since i could not find a youtube clip of the wendy's ad please accept this kid from Vancouver's music video to Blister in the Sun
and because it's just as random as the use of Blister in the Sun to sell burgers

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